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Runebound P&P (Super A3 page + tokens) in ENGLISH
Thanks VALIANTE for the scans!!!

Content (map & cards)

Stickers for the back of the cards, tokens and dice

Tokens (transparent PNG for use in an app)

Sorry guys but I have no time to change the format. All the content was formatted for Super A3. I use crystal bids for all the counters, life, money and replaceable stuff in general. I included the logos for each back but in the format of a sticker I cut and paste directly to the back of the cards, this is easier and cheaper than the alternatives. Eventhought I included the flipping tokens to the stickers I use a free android app called "Custom Image Dice" to roll the tokens. I simply create a character and then add the dice to the profile. Instead of 6 images I only add the two so it will always roll those like a D2. For this use the Tokens file. Can´t give you much instructions but I am sure if you play around with the app you will figure out a method.

Anyway, this is a fantastic game that can be played solo as well. In fact is how I play it. If you are using the app I recommend you create the monsters tokens physically so you can use the app just for the hero elements. Since there are only 8 enemy tokens that will be easier and still cheap to produce.

If anybody have expansions I am willing to format them as I did before but again I have not much time to work an A4 file.

Thanks and have fun!!
Поблагодарившие: Roompel, gigakos

Here is a nice version of the map :)

Поблагодарившие: LuckyOne

Eldritch Horror - PROJECT COMPLETED!
страничка на bgg         http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/146021/eldritch-horror
страничка на тесере     http://tesera.ru/game/Eldritch_Horror/

All the scans were made by Zerrr :D Awesome work !!

Board (in A4): https://mega.co.nz/#!6ZZBFQoS!tXU_3M-NUBte5syf7H4ceI7Y6-SepylvliC6dvUx2Hc (Awesome job by bb_costa!)
z0z1ch: Собрал и почистил (от сгибов и разрывов) игровое поле — клац.
All the Cards & Tokens in one file WITH BACKS(369mb): https://mega.co.nz/#!KdogVJaT!5OANJpxdbcgBapqGfoZ8Lesh_erMllzo3xIM7AaDUe4 (Awesome job by bb_costa!)

All the images have been color enhanced :D No backs yet but I named each ancient one clue cards so they are easy to find.

(Spasiba Zerrr for the scans and bb_costa for the assistance!!)
Поблагодарившие: Dima Fe

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