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Сообщения - ntintis

Цитата: Esgal от 07 октября 2024, 22:30:10Files are gone.
Can someone reupload, pls?

uploaded here
you'll find the files in here  ;)
Цитата: NDC36 от 23 июля 2024, 21:05:29Files 2-8 are missing, I know they're big files but is there any chance of a reup?


head to the telegram group mate, i've re-uploaded them there
no worries mate, much appreciated... : :)
do you happen to have the rest of the game, mate?
all the above links appears to be dead.
[ENG] PnP / Re: HEXplore It
08 июня 2024, 03:38:03
i have some stuff, not The Domain of Mirza Noctis though....
if you got telegram i can forward them at the english chatroom...
Цитата: MrBrightside от 14 марта 2024, 22:26:03
You're literally replying to a thread that has the core game files and every core expansion already uploaded.....

Or are you looking for a different language?

i've seen them mate, great work, but with no disrespect i want scans because of better & bigger resolution.  :)
BoardStupid if by any chance you got the core game scans as well, it'll be a pleasure.  ;D ;D
thanx Boardstupid!!
stupid question, the Gambler's Chest is just an expansion of the main game,
or it contains the base game as well?
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Roll Player Adventures pnp
17 февраля 2024, 17:01:07
as this is the link taken from the TTS discord channel, here's what's in it and what's not from the og uploader:

"This one's huge, fair warning. Roll Player Adventures all core box components except the regular dice (which are just standard colored pip-based dice that TTS can already do) and all Nefras' Judgment components except the several hundred page Backstory book. Those who have a physical copy would still be able to use the Backstory mechanics/story beats. I may scan and upload the Backstory book separately but no guarantees. It is likely to be large enough for TTS to struggle with it even if I do."
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Shadows of Brimstone
11 января 2024, 16:54:46
check the BoardGameGeek page of the game for templates,etc..

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Shadows of Brimstone
21 декабря 2023, 23:05:00
Цитата: cmerry от 21 декабря 2023, 22:07:30
Can you please upload the KS stuff again? Both links are dead :(

get here and you'll find them posted on the english sub-topic
hey guys, i'm looking the english scans for the base game plus the Manor of Ravens and Lost Legends expansions...
they don't appear to be uploaded on the main PnP section of the forum...thanks in advance  :D
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Dungeon Universalis
16 ноября 2023, 00:18:57
bless you, mate...much appreciated!!
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Dungeon Universalis
14 ноября 2023, 21:33:21
thanks BoardStupid!! it seems all but the very first link, are dead.. :)
oh i didn't know such channel existed..i'll give it a look, many thanks mate  ;D
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Shadows of Brimstone
12 ноября 2023, 01:30:54
Major kudos BoardStupid for your phenomenal effort, mate...i'm a bit late to the party though and it seems quite many links are sadly dead..if someone pls can repost these ones  :'(

https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg196960#msg196960 (City of the Ancients (Revised) - part 3&4) 
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg197462#msg197462 (Forbidden Fortress - part 3&4)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg197574#msg197574 (The Lost Army)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg198175#msg198175 (Derelict Ship part2&3 - Derelict Ship Artifacts - Captain's Log - Cold of Space)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg198320#msg198320 (Trederra part 3&4 - Fields of War - No Man's Land)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg198332#msg198332 (Blasted Wastes Artifacts #1 - Burning Sands - Canyons Artifacts #1 - Dead or Alive - Red Rock Gulch - Wasteland Barter Town Daily Event #1)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg198442#msg198442 (Gates of Valhalla part2)
https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=23549.msg198494#msg198494 (Warlord part2&3)