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Сообщения - AbandonAllHope

Any scans of the kickstarter exclusive cards or better scans of the captains and screens? It is available in Italy but they do not ship outside unfortunately...
[ENG] PnP / [PnP ENG] Forbidden Desert
12 ноября 2017, 03:24:00
Thanks asern!  :) Appreciate the upload very much.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / PnP-Request
07 ноября 2017, 17:53:23
Цитата: asern от 07 ноября 2017, 07:32:33
I've got Forbidden Desert, will scan and upload eventually.

:) thanks for the info!
Also looking for ENG Forbidden Desert? Or Forbidden Island? This was translated off the spanish scans, correct?  ;D
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / PnP-Request
07 ноября 2017, 04:29:48
Saw the RUS translation, but any ENG scans of Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert?
[ENG] PnP / [PnP IT PL] Love Letter Premium (+ENG cards)
04 ноября 2017, 01:21:28
Found from Sir_Yaro from the polish forum:

[ENG] PnP / [PNP EN] One Deck Dungeon
30 октября 2017, 21:33:54
Asmadi games provides both cards and rules on website:

Note the expansion, "Forest of Shadows" 

Game: http://asmadigames.com/ODD_Forest_PnP.pdf
Rules: http://asmadigames.com/rules/ODD_Forest_Rules.pdf
[ENG] PnP / [PNP EN] 5-minute dungeon
30 октября 2017, 19:24:58
Thanks SO MUCH! 7chan had the same file but your upload of the scaled difficulty was different and actual art!

Still searching around for full art scans!