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Сообщения - atari_freak

I think these are all the campaign books for the core game and expansions.

Цитата: Elzheiz от 28 мая 2024, 11:30:15
I was going to scan it when I received it but someone beat me to it and posted an "official" TTS mod on the Steam workshop!

The TTS mod does not include the campaign books. Any chance you could scan those? Thanks in advance.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Unsettled
06 февраля 2024, 22:48:37
Great scans, as always. Thank you very much, Boardstupid.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: 20 Strong [ENG][SCAN]
03 декабря 2023, 20:47:01
These are all the dice faces.

Цитата: Gianzar93 от 21 октября 2023, 06:23:25
When I try to open the download files, it writes that the files are destroyed. Why is this happening?

What software are you using to extract the files? I recommend you to use 7zip.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: League of Dungeon-eers
07 сентября 2023, 15:12:07
Цитата: BoardStupid от 09 августа 2023, 03:31:28
Everything except the combined Rules + Quest Book 1, if anyone finds it online please post.

Found it,

League of Dungeoneers - Rulebook v1.1 including Quest Book 1

Enjoy.  :)
Цитата: Kenny от 18 сентября 2022, 10:35:14
Can anyone please kindly point out where the game assets are when working in OSX Monterey for the various browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)? Those listed above for Windows have no equivalence in OSX. Thanks in advance.

It's quicker to use the network tools of your browser to get a direct link to the assets, as hickname suggested some messages above.

Цитата: hickname от 20 марта 2021, 10:21:21
Just tried - cached file does not open with AssetStudio. You need to get original file:
Open Firefox and go to game page.
Open Firefox Web Developer tools and go to Network tab.
Start the game and wait for it to load.
Look for unity3d file in bottom window(biggest one, it will be near the end), copy URL and download it.

This one opens in AssetStudio without problems.
Spire's End - Hildegard. Scans in english. Enjoy!

Under Falling Skies, scans in english. Enjoy!  :)

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: League of Dungeoneers
28 августа 2022, 22:22:54
Original PDFs, without compression.

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Unsettled
15 ноября 2021, 13:13:02
Цитата: BoardStupid от 14 ноября 2021, 03:26:48
If someone makes a PnP of this I'll provide the expansions

This game looks quite interesting. I'll try to make a PnP.
[ENG] PnP / Re: HEXplore It
20 июля 2021, 22:43:01
You can use this free proxy to download from zippyshare:

[ENG] PnP / Re: HEXplore It
20 июля 2021, 08:19:16
Great upload! Thank you very much. By the way, the hex tiles are somewhat deformed. Could you upload the original scans for those tiles?
Great scans. Thanks for uploading.  :)
The Dragon Armour Adventure Book


This one was missing from the previous archive.
[ENG] PnP / Re: Four Against Darkness eBook
01 июня 2020, 23:44:23
I have uploaded some more books I found some time ago:


[ENG] PnP / Re: How to extract assets from a Tabletopia game
23 февраля 2020, 00:21:32
I will try Steam, then. Thanks for the info.  :)
[ENG] PnP / Re: How to extract assets from a Tabletopia game
22 февраля 2020, 10:46:27
Escape Tale - The Awakening? Which browser did you use to get de assets?
Hello there!

I have found that some games in Tabletopia seem to be made with a newer version of Unity (I think 5.3.4), for example Escape Tales - The Awakening. I haven't been able to extract it with Asset Bundle Extractor 2.2d neither with Asset Studio 0.13.25.

Does anybody know of any tool to extract these assets?

Thanks in advance.