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Сообщения - Pruebat

Цитата: csalaja от 16 апреля 2024, 18:08:47Any idea how to read the hidden text in the exploration journal without the color filter?

Maybe find one of those old blue-red 3d card glasses?
Цитата: Lars03 от 16 ноября 2023, 20:10:31
In the process of making a pnp, it will probably be done in a week or so, if anybody comes across the expansions it would be awesome to add them at the same time.

There is no expansion out yet...
Цитата: BoardStupid от 23 августа 2023, 18:57:48
I don't think I missed anything, if you look at the other role cards they are #1 & #2 of Artificer etc.  Looking at Artisan and the rest it looks like all cards are included.  The rule book also mentions only 8 roles.
Sorry about that, I was watching right now a video about the game and those are not roles they're the backgrounds of the rangers so they don't have cards.

Thanks again, the game looks great.
Thanks for the scans as always.
Maybe i'm wrong but i think there are missing some role cards:

  • Artisan Role
  • Forager Role
  • Shepper Role
  • Traveler Role
[ENG] PnP / Re: HEXplore It
16 августа 2023, 21:09:40
Цитата: sak123 от 16 августа 2023, 13:21:47
Any chance for the latest release?HEXplore It: The Domain of Mirza Noctis
It's on TTs with rather good quality
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: League of Dungeoneers
09 августа 2023, 09:19:30
Цитата: BoardStupid от 09 августа 2023, 03:31:28
Everything except the combined Rules + Quest Book 1, if anyone finds it online please post.

Thanks that's amazing. That was a huge scanning work.

i think the 11 and 13 files have one char less on the link so they don't work
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Halls of Hegra
11 июля 2023, 11:24:12
Anyone has the Halls of Hegra final pnp?

During the campaign they shared the beta version of the pnp but of course the final version has more cards and is included in every pledge of the Kickstarter.
this one seems offline or something wrong on the url https://www.mediafire.com/file/4lxjvvaautyjlzrk/V08.zip

EDIT: there is an extra a on the link, the correct one is this one: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4lxjvvautyjlzrk/V08.zip
you have two alternatives:
Цитата: Lars03 от 20 декабря 2022, 12:26:20
I see it, thanks for the heads up! Easy fix in photoshop, but i will test print just to make sure.

i printed a couple of the maps and i ended trimming lines until it fitted. if you fix the map images please share them.
Цитата: Lars03 от 19 декабря 2022, 08:49:57
I didn't know you could play free on TT. If you need a pnp i will post it here, also for the renegade, that game can't be found anywhere.

i tried to print the game Renegade from TT assets, and there is a problem with hex maps, they have extra black border and the maps can't be put together because they are too big...
Цитата: Lars03 от 19 декабря 2022, 08:38:08
Thanks man, did you use the asset studio to extract the files?

Yes. those are textassets and i just renamed the file extensions to png
Цитата: Lars03 от 15 декабря 2022, 15:30:21
It's not my work, can you provide me with those files?
Here it is.

it's everything except for the solo cards and the legendary monsters cards.
i don't want to dismiss your work but you know that there is a tabletopia version of the game with good quality with everything except for the solo cards/board and the legendary monsters.
Цитата: trenty от 11 ноября 2022, 09:58:25
Anyone got the PnP version or Scans of
Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin?

There is one module on TTS but it's not the final version, it lacks one location and i think 4 bosses, and some of the monster text/numbers are not final.
I'm looking for a really hard to get game, at least for me Jagged Alliance the Boardgame https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/231553/jagged-alliance-board-game .

Afaik there is no tts module, and the only thing i've found is this thread https://boardgamer.ru/forum/index.php?topic=20843.msg179058#msg179058 that links to a VK page i can't download anything from.

The area maps can  be extracted from the manuals (i'm not sure if all of them are there, low quality that can be upscaled), but there is a huge number of cards on the game.

Anyone have some scans? or download those scans from VK?

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Chonicles of Frost
17 августа 2022, 11:53:52

Anyone has the pnp files for Chronicles of frost? it was sold on a pnp package during covid, but it annoys me that it includes some games i don't want to buy (i would prefer to pay something like 5€ for chronicles only).

BGG page:

It also exist as a Vassal module, but the cards are really low resolution.. https://vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Chronicles_of_Frost