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Сообщения - r3l1c

[ENG] PnP / Re: Forest Shuffle [REQUEST] [PNP]
05 мая 2024, 15:39:50
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Witchcraft!
28 января 2024, 10:32:12
[ENG] PnP / Re: R.O.V.E. and every Expansion
10 июля 2023, 13:35:12
much appreciated
[ENG] PnP / Re: [PnP EN] Targi
23 июня 2023, 17:28:06
Цитата: asern от 26 октября 2017, 08:57:28
Targi PnP [English]


Please note that I've not included the victory point markers or the meeples (targi figures, tribal markers or robber figure).

Any chance for re-upload ?
[ENG] PnP / Re: Netrunner + All Expansions
01 июня 2023, 21:14:24
If anyone is wondering why the sum of cards is much bigger than the core set, i assume the author of the pnp followed the rule - you may put maximum 3 of each card in your deck.

Secondly .. if you are wondering if to go for the original or revised set - the answer i found on the reddit said something like:

The revised version took out some cards and added some others - and the reason for doing so , was to make the game more competitive.
As a result, some of the cards from original core set are illegal to use in official tournaments.

But others also said, that if you are looking for casual experience .. they find the appeal of the original set more appealing.
[ENG] PnP / Re: Summoner Wars 2ed [ENG][PNP]
20 мая 2023, 22:56:49
Many thanks
I love SpaceShipped , but would love to enjoy it more with the expansions.

If any of the kind soul would be willing to share, that would be awesome.
Цитата: elbourrinos от 03 июня 2019, 21:49:35
here is the ascension card game
but the new edition of the basic box
new graphics beautiful


good game at all

Any chance for a reupload ? many thanks
[ENG] PnP / Re: MicroMacro: Crime City [ENG] [PNP]
04 марта 2023, 16:57:32
funny story .. i live in a little shitty town ( 50km from a big one ) - - was trying to find out how much it is to print b&w A0 for the map ( as it was 3.20 euro  in the big city )
mobile shop gave me price 30euro for 3 pieces ... other store 17 per page .. whereas last store gave me price 27 euro per page :D :D :D
[ENG] PnP / Re: ENG Star Wars Outer Rim unfinished business
28 февраля 2023, 10:50:53
As the topic says... looking for PNP /scans (english ) of The Groundhog Gambit: Holiday Hijinks #6
I think the Option 3 has an error on 9 Darkness .. the icons are same as on Pact
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Destinies by LDG
21 февраля 2023, 17:43:53
Would love some Destinies in Eng too
Up for the scans of retail version