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Темы - sgazer

Hello to all and a very Happy New Year!
Does anyone, by any chance, have a full PnP (not the one given by the creators, that is partial) of the game Dice Hospital? Even scanned material will do.
BGG Link: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/218121/dice-hospital
Thank you!
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / [PnP Request] Blood Rage ENG
29 ноября 2017, 20:52:30
Does anyone have any English PnP Version of Blood Rage? Even only the cards will do... :)
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / [PnP Request] Dwarven Smithy
22 ноября 2017, 10:55:08
Hello to everyone,
Relevant to the post on page:
does anyone have the English version of this?
Thank you!