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Темы - zicko

Hey everyone!

I'm trying to find PNP files or scans for Valeria Card Kingdoms expansion "Darksworn" from 2021 (cards for all 7 books).


Thanks in advance!
Hey everyone!

I'm trying to find PNP files for Valeria Card Kingdoms expansion "Darksworn" from 2021 - Cards for all 6 books.

Thanks in advance!  :)

Does anyone have game "Kill Doctor Lucky - 19.5 Anniversary Edition"?

This new version has significantly different rules from all previous versions (including official PnP version), and everyone who have tried this version says that new rules are better and more balanced.
Also, cards are significantly different - there are now only 72 cards (24 move cards, 24 failure cards and 24 weapon cards) and now shamrocks (clovers) are added to move and weapon cards as well.

Does anyone have PnP version of this 19.5 Anniversary Edition, or does anyone have a list of all cards with their values (movement distances, weapon strengths and number of clovers/shamrocks on each card) so I can try to create a PnP version?

Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone!

I am from Belgrade, Serbia. I don't speak russian, but I can understand a little bit of russian, since serbian language is also slavic language.

I have noticed there were PnP versions for "Chez Geek" games (and all expansions) on this forum, but it seems that download links don't work anymore (or I cannot figure out how can I download anything from rusfolder.com).

Here are these two topics:

Please, can someone reupload PnP files for Chez Geek and it's expansions (no matter on what language)?

Thanks! Спасибо! Хвала!