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Темы - TalkinHead


Hello Everyone

looking for Tides (2021) PNP file


an official PNP available in pnparcade.com for 3$

About the game:

  • 1–2 Players

  • 20 Min Playing Time

  • Tides is a game about collecting items from a beach. The goal is to score as many points as you can by making the most interesting sets of items. The tide is always changing; you never know what you'll find on the beach!

Any chance to find Scans, PNP or other materials for: Botanik (2021) ?


Нигде не могу найти сканы карт.
Спасибо вам большое  :)

Post Merge: 22 мая 2022, 08:44:10

Well... found a PNP here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NJfiExfGEG7y_XhPKOaRHYxfd7XO_lni
Thanks to manyoc

I'm looking for SCANS or PNP of "Planet (2018)"


Спасибо вам большое 🙏🏻