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Сообщения - Mauri

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: TTS extract
25 ноября 2022, 16:10:33
Es un archivo de texto
Lo puedes abrir con el notepad++

Luego tienes las descargar de los archivos con las urls

Un saludo
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: TTS extract
22 ноября 2022, 20:31:10
Thank you   ;D
Great job.
Thank you.  ;D
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Solomon Kane
20 мая 2022, 15:43:17
Thank you very much, great job.  ;D

I hope that soon you can upload what is missing   :'(
Open the file with notepad ++

Ctrl + M

Checking the regular expression check.

find the links with this regular expression
[A-Za-z] +: // [A-Za-z0-9 _ \ - \ + ~.:? & @ = /% #,; \ {\} \ (\) \ [\] \ | \ * \! \\] +

Copy the marked text and paste in a new tab.

Edit - Operations with lines - Eliminate duplicate lines.

Now you just have to download the links.
You can download the steamcommunity files with

In steamcommunity
Thanks Thanks Thanks  ;)
You're the best  ;D

Thank you
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Rambo the board game
10 апреля 2021, 17:37:04

I am looking for Rambo the board game. Can someone tell me where to find the scan.

Thank you.
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Rambo the board game
10 апреля 2021, 17:35:04

I am looking for Rambo the board game. Can someone tell me where to find the scan.

Thank you.