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Сообщения - mirahaka

Is it just me, or other people also cannot download files other than "Pampero PNP PDF"?
Even when I try to dwonload the rules I get message "unable to compress".
Цитата: 2326smt от 09 июня 2022, 22:47:32

As I have stated above, I have some progress with PnP version of "Dinosaur Island - Rawr n write"
Please find below:
Player board A (player actions sheet) (translated to Polish)
Player board B (player park sheet ) (translated to Polish)
Game board (dice board) side A only (translated to Polish)
Building cards 6
Specialists cards 4
Dice printout - can be printed on sticky paper an fixed/glued onto normal dice. Another option is to printout it and assign normal die (by color for example) onto each section (one column presents all 6 sides of one dice).
Idea no 3 is tu use this to prepare custom dice in Android/iOS application with provided images and use virtual dice (not recommended, because You need actual die to put onto Game board - dice board.

I did not tested this yet, as I have tried Welcome to DinoWorld with my family, where also enchanced cards graphics and park boards and translated to Polish as well :)

"Dinosaur Island - Rawr n write"

It is not print ready, I am still working on it. I have all the cards, but dice solution is holding me back.

Any successes with preparing files?
Link is down, pls reupload if possible
Does anybody have Kaiju Siegie game crafter edition? What is the difference between this one and normal (PnP from bgg) edition?
Does anybody have any photos of additional cards (Daymio, mission, kaiju)? Or at least description of them?
I know there is daymio which special command is "amulet of protection", but I'm curious about the other ones.
Hello, does anyone have files for expansions, or saw them anywhere?
Edit: ok, I've found them on TTS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1476374001