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Сообщения - SirVladimir

[ENG] PnP / Re: Italian-speaking PnP gamers
26 августа 2023, 23:27:47
Hi everyone. I am looking for DYLAN DOG IL GIOCO DELL'INCUBO by Clementoni (1994) scanned. The game was only published in Italy.

[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: PnP-Request
26 сентября 2022, 02:01:39
Цитата: kamilus121 от 03 сентября 2022, 10:54:11
Is there a chance for:

- Brew (2021)
- Welcome to the Moon (2021)
- Tin series games: gate + gates, Tin helm, Dig Down Dwarf and banners (2022)
- Cthulhu: The Horror in Dunwich (2019)
- Viticulture Worldwide (2022)

I can upload Tin Helm files I found somewhere, but it needs some editing.
Found the base game with all the expansions in Russian. If anyone has English version please upload.

Desolate+Insurgency+Dark Matters v1 and v2

Found the base game with all the expansions in Russian. If anyone has English version please upload.

Desolate+Insurgency+Dark Matters v1 and v2

Base game is free to download from PNP arcade in black and white version so just print it on yellow and purple colored paper  :)

How do I download this without Tabletop simulator?
Looking for English version of City States. Thanks
Hierarchy: Emissary Solo expansion

PNP pdf:

Two noble families have been fighting over the throne for years, and the people of the kingdom have suffered. You've been sent to make sure there is an uneventful transition into a new age of peace. To be a successful Emissary, you must play all 14 cards.

Emissary comes with 3 double sided Edict cards that give special abilities, as well as three alternate game cards (Impostor, Tower, and Surgeon) to swap in for solo play.

At any time, you may discard an Edict card to use its printed ability. You must be able to resolve the card in order to use it. For example, if there are no cards left in the deck, you cannot "Return a card to the bottom of the deck."

It also comes in three levels of difficulty. In the Standard and Expert difficulties, after you fully resolve the Edict, you must remove the bottom card in the line and place it on top of its deck, extending the length of the game.

This is an expansion, and requires the base game, Hierarchy.


Players: 1
Ages: 8+
Length: 20 Minutes

Can someone please re upload?
Looking for English files. Thanks in advance.