Цитата: Esgal от 07 октября 2024, 22:30:10Files are gone.
Can someone reupload, pls?
uploaded here
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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: Esgal от 07 октября 2024, 22:30:10Files are gone.
Can someone reupload, pls?
Цитата: NDC36 от 23 июля 2024, 21:05:29Files 2-8 are missing, I know they're big files but is there any chance of a reup?
Цитата: MrBrightside от 14 марта 2024, 22:26:03
You're literally replying to a thread that has the core game files and every core expansion already uploaded.....
Or are you looking for a different language?
Цитата: cmerry от 21 декабря 2023, 22:07:30
Can you please upload the KS stuff again? Both links are dead
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