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Сообщения - ntintis

Цитата: HydreNoire от 20 декабря 2018, 17:16:57
You can find it on the discord channel (TTS Club)!

i'm not too experienced with discord since i don't use the service..i have no idea where look for.. :D
edit: i think i found something..thanks
does anyone still got the TTS mod? it got removed from the workshop..
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: Eldritch Horror?
24 сентября 2018, 16:33:27
why don't you use TTS Mod Backup? i could sent you the mod file if you want..
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Gloom of Kilforth [SOLVED]
17 сентября 2018, 14:10:59
not exactly a request since i got the assets thanks to wil_low, but i have an issue with the loot tokens..
i'm trying to make a TTS mod out of this and the rulebook states that there are 82 loot tokens in the game..
the extracted tabletopia loot tokens are 24 in total (i don't count the back side token since it's a 1x24 file)
since 24x3=72 and 24x4=96 i presume that some of them are duplicates more than thrice but i don't know which ones...
assuming that there are no missing tokens, can anyone help me to sort this out?

edit: i loaded the mod on tabletopia and sorted it out...mods may delete the topic
[ENG] PnP / Re: How to extract assets from a Tabletopia game
16 сентября 2018, 17:25:19
oh man, thanks..i didn't see the link at the top.. ;D
[ENG] PnP / Re: How to extract assets from a Tabletopia game
14 сентября 2018, 23:54:51
can anyone extract Gloom of Kilforth please?
i don't know if it's the full game at Tabletopia though...
yes, the decks contained the expansion ones too.. :)
no i zipped just the card decks for you to find the card back you needed..not all the game
see if you can find them in these card decks..

i could upload the assets from tabletop simulator if you want, but the rest of the work for the pnp it's on you..
since the hard drive i had my scans stored went dead and i cannot retrieve them,
does anyone can provide the english adventure books for all the games please? (wrath of ashardalon,etc)

edit: found'em..if anyone want them too, pm me...  :)
the TTS files for anyone interested...


[ENG] PnP / [PnP EN] Dwarven Smithy (2017)
25 января 2018, 19:34:07
mirror link

is any kind soul willing to share the adventure books
for the expansions of imperial assault
and shadows of brimstone?
here friend..it got lots of stuff..

Цитироватьhmm, I see 18 TTS modules on Steam, particularly one of them being 'Gloomhaven PnP Enhanced'. Isn't it what we are talking about?

i have tried it on TTS, it mainly consists of stuff that the designer himself shared on BGG...it's some kind of demo, it lucks basic components....there isn't any "full" mode in workshop...
maybe because people who got it from kickstarter are not willing to make a pnp version, that's understandable...
hi guys.. i know it's huge, component wise, but does anyone care to share that great game?
there is a tabletop simulator mod but i think it doesn't include all the characters and ability cards..
although i got them from another kind member in here thanks for your submission..it may be useful for other people nonetheless  :D :D