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Темы - babuks


Pampero (2024) by Julian Pombo

PNP created and fixed by me. Based on prototype PNP.

This is second PNP I have made for myself and sharing with others.

Next PNP in work:
1. Undaunted Stalingrad ENG
2. Ark Nova ENG
3. Cyclades Legendary Edition ENG

Download PNP:
Google Drive

Hello friends. I have prepared the PNP for Uwe Rosenberg's latest game Hallertau. This is my first ever PNP so please go easy on me. If you discover any mistake, please let me know. I will fix it.

About the game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/300322/hallertau

Rules: https://lookout-spiele.de/upload/en_hallertau.html_Hallertau_Regeln_EN_V16_PRINT.pdf


Извините, вам запрещён просмотр содержимого спойлеров.

How to print:
Hallertau PNP - cards.pdf -

Print pages 1-9, Back page 10
pages 11-18, back page 19
page 20-22, back page 23
page 24-25, back page 26

Hallertau PNP - player boards and tokens-
Print on stickers for pages 1-21
Pages 1-15 - single side - print on sticker (these pages don't have back side)
Pages 16-21 - double side - print on sticker (the tokens have back side)
pages 22-23 - back to back - print on card.

Thank you. Mods may add Russian text :) I can't speak Russian.