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Сообщения - Desgardel

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Here is a world exclusive the Sherwood Bandits game that just finished are kickstarter. PNP made by the "Jeux Boiteux" team.

Sherwood Bandits

In the PNP you will find all the cards as well as the rules in French and English.

Link BGG : https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/311828/sherwood-bandits
Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1604059242/sherwood-bandits
PNP Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mcsyrsq6qgt3crw/Sherwood%20Bandits%5BPNP%5D%5BFR-EN%5D.rar?dl=0

Good games

Joke ;D ;D ;D
Поблагодарившие: El Fbcat


Member of the "Jeux Boiteux" Team, I come to share this little game with you.

On Mars, rules in french.

Link BGG : https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/184267/mars
Link PNP : https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4bpouwsvu4snyr/On%20Mars%20%5BPNP%5D%5BFR%5D%20Versions%20Sans%20Tokens.rar?dl=0

GG all
Thanks are priceless

it would be great to have them in french too
Поблагодарившие: локос, Griffindark

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