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Сообщения - r3l1c

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Solo is getting bigger and bigger,and although many great games provide a good solo option too ... there are strcictly solo games with great depth. Even though many people believed that it exists shortly because of covid and will soon die, it seems the popularity of SOLOs is getting bigger and bigger. So i was wondering if we could get Eng/Rus sections dedicated to solo gamers.

Thnx for considering

I love SpaceShipped , but would love to enjoy it more with the expansions.

If any of the kind soul would be willing to share, that would be awesome.

here is the ascension card game
but the new edition of the basic box
new graphics beautiful


good game at all

Any chance for a reupload ? many thanks

Can we get re-upload please ?

As the topic says... looking for PNP /scans (english ) of The Groundhog Gambit: Holiday Hijinks #6

I think the Option 3 has an error on 9 Darkness .. the icons are same as on Pact

Up for the scans of retail version

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