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Сообщения - Violet Moon

[ENG] PnP / Re: [PnP] [EN] Paperback
04 июня 2022, 18:35:26
Here is a reup:

Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: asefmiqdad, b5, deadf1sh, Vuk Nana, TalkinHead, chiquitadi, Rob, mika-chan
Hi mates

here is a reup. I think it's from elbourrinos post. so, credit to him.

Legendary: Big Trouble in Little China
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: jasbourre, BP
Сделано / Re: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
09 марта 2021, 18:11:45
Check this post :):
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: shoomar, Ирина0912, victorial, olga01051985, feralia
[ENG] PnP / Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (2018)
09 марта 2021, 18:09:35

Hi mates.

A fun dexterity party game.

have fun.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is filled to the brim with hand-slapping mayhem! As in Snap and Dobble, each player places a card from their hand face up into a community pile while saying taco/cat/goat/cheese/pizza in player sequence. When the card matches the mantra — boom! — everyone slaps their hand on the deck, with the last one to slap picking up the cards. Whoever rids themselves of cards first wins!

For extra fun, special action cards – the gorilla, narwhal, and groundhog — force players to make certain gestures before racing to slap the deck!


Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: mialli, yuriy12, shoomar, Ирина0912, victorial, Wazzer, franciskovich, CORDOBE, juni_ana, kosmikvirus, thespikers, oscamnalbur, deadf1sh, Vuk Nana, Hellboy0815, olga01051985, BP, esmoke, feralia, salumbebets
Hi Mate.

Here is a reupload:
Linkage: A DNA Card Game
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: igrad, estevesal, Vuk Nana, pesto126, BP
[ENG] PnP / Smoothies (2019)
17 сентября 2020, 19:07:54

Hi mates.

Another roll and write game, this time with a rather tasty theme :D.
Made the score sheet from scratch. You'll need some colored dice as well as 2 square boxes or something like that to play it.

have fun.

With your van full of fruit, you set to work making the healthiest and most scrumptious smoothies for your queue of thirsty customers. Throw your fruit (dice) into the blenders (boxes), then choose the tastiest and juiciest combinations. The player who makes the most and the best smoothies wins!
In the roll-and-write game Smoothies, you throw all the fruit into the blenders (the dice into the two boxes) and choose the combination from one of them that will work in your favor. You must bear in mind that you can choose only one of the blenders and the fruit that remains in the other will be available to your opponents. You get points for using each fruit a certain number of times, for each client who tastes all the ingredients, and for using more oranges and lemons than the rest of the players. You lose points for each customer who you do not serve and for saturating the blenders. The player who gets the most points at the end of the game will take the victory.


Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: BradBrad, cccp, Amaretto, Hellboy0815, pesto126, Shark68, Alexlander, BP, Flunty
[ENG] PnP / Rolling America (2015)
16 сентября 2020, 17:03:06

Hi buddies.

A nice roll and write game from Hisashi Hayashi. Some custom maps from various countries are available on BGG if you are interested.

have fun.

Rolling America, based on the 2014 release Rolling Japan, is a light "multiplayer solitaire" dice game. Each player has a map of the United States that's divided into fifty (abstractly represented) states, which are then bunched together into six differently colored areas.
On a turn, a player draws two regular six-sided dice from a bag and rolls them; the bag starts with seven dice, six matching the colors of the areas on the map along with a wild clear die. All players now write down each number rolled on any state of the matching color, i.e., if the blue die shows 4 and the yellow a 2, write a 4 in one blue state and a 2 in one yellow state. If the clear die is rolled, you can place this number in a state of your choice; additionally, three times per game you can choose to use a non-clear die as any color. However, neighboring states can't have numbers with a difference larger than 1; if you can't place a number without breaking this rule, then you must place an X in a state of the appropriate color. (If all the states in an area are filled, you can ignore the die or use one of your three color changes to place the number elsewhere.)


Rolling America
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: grishkatz, igrad, cccp, Amaretto, Hellboy0815, pesto126, Alexlander, BP, mmx10, kabalizo
Check here:
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Michelo
[ENG] PnP / Cat Lady - Premium Edition (2019)
20 августа 2020, 20:45:33

Hi mates.

Created this PnP from images available on the web.
7 new stray cats from premium version as well as 2 additional promos are included.

have fun.

In Cat Lady, players are cat ladies, part of an elite group of people including Marie Antoinette and Ernest Hemingway. During the game, you and your fellow cat ladies will draft cards three at a time, collecting toys, food, catnip, costumes, and of course lovable cats. But watch out! Make sure you have enough food for all of your feline friends or your hungry cats will subtract points from your score. The player with the highest total victory points wins!


Cat Lady
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: tikitavy, asefmiqdad, grishkatz, skaf, Gigazaur, vagoulas, mehrshadkh, asern, Tinuviel, jasbourre, sgazer, vicyo03, jura555ok, thespikers, gladiel, cccp, Amaretto, Samudi, Hellboy0815, Michelo, Harwin, Alexlander, BP, Rayso, Xirious, salumbebets, mika-chan
[ENG] PnP / Rollway Station (2020)
23 июля 2020, 18:59:30

Hi mates.

This nice train-themed Roll & Write game is available freely on the web.

have fun.

Rollway Station is a roll and write game inspired by the 18xx series of games. In these games players take on the role of an investor, trading stocks and shares in train companies in order to beat the competition and earn the most money. Rollway Station distils the experience into a short solo experience, using dice to add a layer of unpredictability.


Rollway Station
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Tinuviel, greenbirth, jasbourre, Vuk Nana, cccp, Amaretto, pesto126, BP, nosso
[ENG] PnP / Re: Trails of Tucana (2019)
22 июля 2020, 21:25:45
Hi buddies.

I made another PnP with higher quality images.

Trails of Tucana
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: grishkatz, Dzago, asern, jasbourre, Jorenas, cccp, Hellboy0815, Hycrox, Lacriss, nosso
Hi mates

I have this which I think is from elbourrinos's post:
Shy Monsters
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: elbourrinos, cccp
[ENG] PnP / [PnP] Abandon All Artichokes (2020)
11 июля 2020, 19:54:44

Hi mates.

Made this PnP from available images around the web. A simple and nice deck builder (or deck wrecker according to the publisher! ;D) from Emma Larkins.
Rhubarb promo cards are also included.
I made two versions, a normal one and a smaller one for cheaper printing.

have fun.


Abandon All Artichokes PnP
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: asefmiqdad, weballin, grishkatz, BradBrad, asern, greenbirth, jasbourre, sgazer, Ragner8, mmp76, cccp, Amaretto, Hellboy0815, nimzo63, pesto126, rencrg82, BP
Hi buddies

I have this which I think is from the original thechordmaster upload. So all credit to him.

Saint Petersburg PnP
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Gigazaur, BP
[ENG] PnP / Herbaceous (2017)
07 мая 2020, 18:17:50

Hi mates.
Made this from images I found around the web.
A nice relaxing set collection game from Steve Finn and Eduardo Baraf with great artwork by Beth Sobel. :)
Flavor Pack mini-expansion is included.


Herbaceous PnP
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: GoodCat, Roompel, grishkatz, Gigazaur, Yury_K, BradBrad, Tinuviel, sgazer, Sorcerer, SergiuF, daishinaga, 17k, OlegKlishin, oscamnalbur, cccp, Amaretto, Hellboy0815, МалН, BP
Hi mates.

Check this Post:
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: greenbirth, bartle2

Hi mates.
Here is yet another puzzle game from the great Uwe Rosenberg.
Created the cards from scratch based on the info gathered from multiple sources.
Keep in mind that you should print the grid sheet for each player.


Second Chance PnP
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Roompel, asefmiqdad, Akyma, Yury_K, voidwalker, pla, AlexxFreeman, greenbirth, wincenzop, maxminus, SergiuF, tiny_kitty, I_got_the_mods, Amaretto, Askeladdd, BP
Hi mate.
I had these files which I think have obtained from the forum. Credit to original poster.

The Resistence
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: greenbirth
[ENG] PnP / [PNP EN] Fugitive
31 марта 2018, 14:20:27
Thanks Karujin:)
Here is a suitable cards back for your PnP:

Fugitive Cards Back
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Elisava, anweshm4, zicko
[ENG] PnP / [PnP] [Eng] The Quest For El Dorado
06 марта 2018, 19:09:00

Hi mates.
I used the scans provided by Sergeant82 to create this PnP. Apart from the cards and player boards, other items are untouched from the scans. so main credit goes to him.  :)


The Quest For El Dorado PnP