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Сообщения - 17k

i have downloaded the tts module.
making a pnp from it is almost impossible, spoils the many twists of the game and will be very time consuming.
you can buy the original game very easily online for 62€.

pour some money into the industry to support it, getting everything for free is not fair.
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: pesto126
[ENG] PnP / Re: Animal Kingdoms (2020) HQ PnP ENG
25 октября 2020, 10:42:57
thank you Amaretto, manily for the brightly coloured selection: our daughter approves!!
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: Amaretto
[ENG] PnP or SCAN requests / Re: PnP-Request
25 октября 2020, 02:11:13
i am looking for:

  • paper tales (2017)
  • stuffed fables (2018)
  • merchants of amsterdam (2000)
  • for sale (1997)
  • how to host a murder: the duke's descent (1990)
  • last will (2011)
  • patchistory (2013)
  • space dealer (2006)
  • arkwright (2014)
  • gaslight (2000)
  • unhappy king charles (2008)
  • urban panic (2014)
  • utopia (2007)
  • antiquity (2004)
  • arboretum (2015)
  • clue: the great museum caper (1991)
  • genesis (2010)
  • marrakech (2007)
  • michael (2019)
  • plato3000 (2012)
  • pyramid arcade (2016)
  • sator arepo tenet opera rotas (2008)
  • spices of the world (1988)
  • summit (2017)
  • terakh (2005)

i am able to extract and modify TTS modules and make every adjustment to create sets of .pdf files ready to be printed.
in the meantime, i am trying to find the right cloud hosting to share ~20 pnp games in english.
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: KGBEER
Do anybody have card scans in english?
We have the original game, but it is very hard to get Path of Destiny or Enchanted Kingdom expansions.
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: JohnBordello
Coup Deluxe version: brazilian art + kickstarter cards ENGLISH / BRAZILIAN /

Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: SergiuF
Coup Deluxe version: brazilian art + kickstarter cards ENGLISH / BRAZILIAN / ITALIAN
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: tikitavy, Gigazaur, waynebek