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Great game by Richard Garfield.

I've got the files from TTS and categorized it, I hope someone prepares a print ready pnp.

Поблагодарившие: TalkinHead

2030 is too close now, we need a totally new map with new countries and name it maybe imperial 2150 :)
Поблагодарившие: tikitavy

updated, please kindly make mirrors :)
Поблагодарившие: lyoshpav89, commodore

You can download from here: https://uploadrar.com/zpkbo04t895e
You can also find the individual cards in the folder, includes 6 expansions.

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1234/once-upon-time-storytelling-card-game
Поблагодарившие: gladiel, deadf1sh, TestyMC

I borrowed the game from a friend, borrowed a scanner from another friend, cleaned up the scanned images with Topaz DeNoise, then cropped each card one by one and made this pnp with enough bleed to print and cut beautifully.

Paper size: SA3 (33x48)

Enjoy: https://uploadrar.com/iz34gcbicjni

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/156129/deception-murder-hong-kong
Поблагодарившие: Gigasaur, sgazer, rencrg82

You'll need some diaomonds in addition to the tokens.
Grab it fast: https://we.tl/t-tGi6nvbm1L
Поблагодарившие: SergiuF, Alexlander, lyoshpav89, commodore

Got them from tabletopia, maybe a comrade would prepare for us to print :)
Достал из tabletopia, может друг подготовит нас к печати :)

Поблагодарившие: Vuk Nana

This game is on boardgamearena.com but I don't know if the assets can be downloaded like tabletopia. Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.

Поблагодарившие: Hellboy0815, union

I did not know that foreigners are interested in history and games about ancient Russia. :)

Поблагодарившие: pesto126

Ripped it from TTS: https://yadi.sk/d/3IdS00M49bMJpw

Hope someone can make a nice PnP out of it.  :)
Поблагодарившие: Violet Moon, BradBrad, basir.samimi

Any chance to share the original cards in pdf format for translation?


Of course: https://yadi.sk/d/Wvdou0nlJDD1-A
Поблагодарившие: epson t50, tangyi, wait, SirGre4ka, BP

just print on self-adhesive paper. stick on cardboard and cut all components

I actually did make a pnp for this, sized A4, including tokens and disks, will share if anyone shows interest :)
Поблагодарившие: fayecharls, andrij, xero91, lyoshpav89

I didn't realign the cards perfectly, just put them all together in order, PnP ready, download here and enjoy: https://yadi.sk/d/v-gwu2Hc2vA46w  ;)
Поблагодарившие: marian, BP

Isn't this JUST the expansion?


Поблагодарившие: happypooya

Alright guys, we need to make this one a nice PnP!

I got some low quality scans from TTS which can be downloaded here: https://yadi.sk/d/cG6kkaYhb2GuMw

If someone can help providing better scans or even better a nice PnP, I would highly appreciate it!
Поблагодарившие: guilherbot, BP

I got the scans from TTS module then prepared this PnP, you can check the game here: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/219638/donner-dinner-party

Here is the download link: https://yadi.sk/d/0d3EY8km1XCWog

Print and have fun eating each other :)

Поблагодарившие: hanbar, wait, BradBrad, greenbirth, Hunter04ek, BP

Game Contents:
●   Cardboard 2 Piece Box. (127 X 127 X 60 mm).
●   Rulebook. (115mm X 115mm, 48 pages).
●   4 Finance Boards. (115mm X 115mm X 1 mm, single-sided), one for each player.
●   4 Infrastructure Placards (115mm X 115mm X 1 mm, single-sided),
●   120 Cards. (57 X 87mm), represent Ideas (111), Regimes (3), tipping point/plurality cards (5), human progress splay card (1).
●   25 Cardboard Counters. (20 mm square, single-sided), Mainly represent Problems worth a victory point or two.
●   60 Cubes. (8mm square, 15 blue, 15 black, 15 pink, 15 red), represent Agents.
●   16 Disks. (15mm diameter, 3mm thick, 4 in each player color: blue, black, pink, red), represent Companies.
●   Z-Folded Cheat Sheet. (342 x 115mm), contains Sean Jehan’s process flow.

You will need additional Cubes and Disks (Disks I managed to put it on PnP Files)
Boards and Tokens are tiny bit bigger than the real size game.

Game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/257732/pax-transhumanity

PnP: https://yadi.sk/d/m8Z36_0V3T1LcA

Download, print and have fun :)

Поблагодарившие: yorai

Основной раздел PnP | General board of PnP / [PnP] Dead Last
« : 31 Октябрь 2019, 13:33:44 »
Hi everyone,

Here is a great party game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/184522/dead-last

I got some scans from TTS, but there were only 10 characters, the game requires 12, so I added 2 more by myself and prepared the PnP.

Download, print and have fun :)


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