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Темы - alenros

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does someone have the extra abductor packs?
Even if you have just the text - I can design them..

I'd like to have a PNP of the character cards, if anyone has got it.
even a list of the powers of the characters would be good!


Hi all!

I thought about making a poor man's version of Rising Sun, that means that it would contains no miniatures, just stuff you could print at home or get from other games like meeples or cubes.
my goals were: 1) make it quick as to beat the release date of the real Rising Sun by a few months. 2) cheap, as mentioned.
3) while I was thinking about it and trying to get all the art from the original, I realized that Game of Thrones could be a great thematic fit: it has the rival houses, each with a distinct theme.
a great plus is there are quite a few games out there in the Game of Thrones world, meaning a lot of art I can use.

I started with making a component list, and i'd love to get your help, so if you want to be part of this tell me.

anyone has Hostage Negotiator?

I'm looking for the expansion character for Yomi (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/84838/yomi-second-edition)
I already got the 10X15 version, I'm looking for the other characters, like Vendetta, Gwen and Zane.

Thanks guys, you rock!

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