69th Extension
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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: Ettilli от 21 июля 2024, 15:23:33Boardstupid, do you have the other Cartographers scan like Heroes or Nebblis, Affril and Sepulcra maps, undercity, ecc...?
Цитата: thadeus57 от 19 августа 2024, 21:14:25Hi @boardstupid,
thanks for your great work!!!
I checked the GC-Uploads and compared them to a component List of GC. According to the list there are some cards missing.. I am not fully sure, that the component list ist correct... Could you provide the files (if you have them)?
Missing Cards:
8x The King - Hunt Events
4x Knowledge Cards (all from Survivalism 20 of 24 are within your archives)
10x Settlement Events
6x Scout Discoveries
Thanks in advance
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