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Сообщения - BoardStupid

Missing Gambler's Chest files thadeus57 mentioned, thanks for catching them.  Sorry I took so long sorting these.
Thanks again for spotting these, here's all the missing files you've spotted (so far lol)
replaced link for 12
replaced links
replaced links in first post

Цитата: Ettilli от 21 июля 2024, 15:23:33Boardstupid, do you have the other Cartographers scan like Heroes or Nebblis, Affril and Sepulcra maps, undercity, ecc...?

can you post a link to the list and i'll check against the components

Цитата: thadeus57 от 19 августа 2024, 21:14:25Hi @boardstupid,
thanks for your great work!!!

I checked the GC-Uploads and compared them to a component List of GC. According to the list there are some cards missing.. I am not fully sure, that the component list ist correct... Could you provide the files (if you have them)?

Missing Cards:
8x The King - Hunt Events
4x Knowledge Cards (all from Survivalism 20 of 24 are within your archives)
10x Settlement Events
6x Scout Discoveries

Thanks in advance :)
[ENG] PnP / Re: Marvel United X-Men EN Scans
26 июня 2024, 20:17:42
Not sure if this is the same file, base game only
I don't, the friend I got these off has it, but he hasn't opened it yet  :(

I replaced the links above
replaced link
Links replaced