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Сообщения - Blois

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Основной раздел PnP | General board of PnP / Mint Works PNP ENG
« : 07 Декабрь 2016, 16:35:35 »

Thanks, although it is sad that they don't include artwork for all cards

Hi, you can get it from Gamewright rules, PDF contains all sources. I made my russian version with cleaning that images. But i have no sources saved and have no english version of pnp.
I tried, but the images are too small, so enlarging them would decrease the quality

Does anyone have an english version?

I'm asking him about his version, which has 10 cards from the second edition :D
Oh, sorry.. Version from first post - coming to 2ed.. soon ;).

I'm asking him about his version, which has 10 cards from the second edition :D
Oh, sorry.. Version from first post - coming to 2ed.. soon ;).
Really looking forward to it :D When will you plan to finish it?

A bit out of topic, but do you translate your pnp version to English?
О.о https://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1398410/fairy-tale?commentid=5438885#comment5438885 :)
This is the same files you provided on the first post, right? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwYfCEvdVGpGdkJnaHpPWDZ1MDg
I'm asking him about his version, which has 10 cards from the second edition :D

Do you have
А что стоит по деньгам такая распечатка в типографии?
A bit out of topic, but do you translate your pnp version to English?

СКАНЫ для PnP ищу/отдаю, ищу PnP | Requests for SCANS, PnP / Grimslingers PNP REQUEST
« : 17 Сентябрь 2016, 18:08:26 »

Does anyone have the english pnp version of the game? All the files I can find here are in Russian

СКАНЫ для PnP ищу/отдаю, ищу PnP | Requests for SCANS, PnP / Hero Realms PNP REQUEST
« : 14 Сентябрь 2016, 14:20:36 »
There are 2 TTS modules already.
I don't have TTS on Steam

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