hello... :) :)
does anyone have scans of Legend of Drizzt,Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon adventure books in english?
thanx in advance
I have the Wrath of Ashardalon. I will upload the adventure book scans in one day or two.
great!! thank you very much my friend!! :D
Wrath of Ashardalon - Adventure Book - https://yadi.sk/i/maKDM3Mbzs3bX
many thanx again mate... :D
13th page - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzSpk-InIJaWcnBqai16UTlEMUk
you rock man!! 8) 8)
https://yadi.sk/d/NhUL-BdN3ELuBG (https://yadi.sk/d/NhUL-BdN3ELuBG)
although i got them from another kind member in here thanks for your submission..it may be useful for other people nonetheless :D :D
No problem. Also contains 3 official bonus missions.