A 1-4 player dynamic and fast game filled with dungeons, monsters, items, curses.. and dead Heroes you might decide to sacrifice
The land of Draggmar is known for evil forces, treasures, myths, monsters, and Fame. It is said that
whoever becomes a legend in Draggmar is a legend around the world... but being a hero in Draggmar
is a dangerous, deadly job for the desperate. Very few have found such Fame and status, but every Hero
and Contractor Lord in the land wants to.
All players take the role of Contractor Lords who hire Heroes and buy them the Items they need.
Your hired Heroes will conquer dungeons, defeat monsters, and bring back Boss heads... or die in the
attempt! Every Boss head your Heroes recover increases your Fame, which helps you become more
important in Draggmar and gives you more power to hire stronger Heroes and buy better items. Players
can work together to defeat a common threat, but only the player with the most Fame is the victor.