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Сообщения - Gianzar93

Does anyone have 3 Kelp -9x token, 3 steelplast -9x token and 3 science - 8x token?
Цитата: baribal от 10 декабря 2023, 12:19:43
Hi! This is a card-by-card sets "Mysterium: Hidden Signs" and "Mysterium: Secrets & Lies"

You are the best!! Thank you very much!
Цитата: baribal от 09 ноября 2023, 16:14:00
Some files were lost during the download process. I have reuploaded them again. Check it out

You are the best thank you very much!!!
Цитата: baribal от 08 ноября 2023, 14:28:46
Cerebria. The Inside World (TT ENG)

Thank you very much!!

By the way the folder tiles is empty, is it has something important inside?
You are right! Thank you very much!! It works with 7zip!!
When I try to open the download files, it writes that the files are destroyed. Why is this happening?

Does someone have scans the cards for the Dune 2019 in English language?

Thank you very much!