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Сообщения - Sorcerer

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Do you still happen to have the Scans?

I have Extracted the Images from the bigger TTS mod all cards are now Seprate files I have also added my custom mat to the new mega drive I made.

get them here


Post Merge: 26 Декабрь 2021, 20:33:34
I am also working on the Templates again I had Started months ago to make Custom Cards for the game.

Yeah I moved some stuff around on my Mega Folders I will post new links soon.

Just moved all my Legendary Stuff to its own Mega Drive


Here are the 2 TTS mods I found on the Workshop for it use 7zip to Extract both

Here is a Tabletop Simulator Mod Rip Says its got the Expansion I just Glanced at the Images.

The Mat Image did not look that good but it would be easy to make a Custom one.

New link below 12/26/2021

Ok I have started Translating the Spanish Images Wil_low posted I am almost done with Case 1 link is below where I will upload them all


--edit-- I have also uploaded Clean text Free Images for translation if anyone wants to translate into another language. If needed I can also upload the images with just the character names and all other text removed too.

--edit 2-- Case 1 is translated into English, card 58a I could not read from the source image I was using to translate them to English so I had to figure out the right wording to make it easy to understand so it may need a bit of work later.

I will work on Case 2 later

СКАНЫ для PnP ищу/отдаю, ищу PnP | Requests for SCANS, PnP / Re: Maximum Apocalypse REQUEST SCAN OR PNP
« : 07 Октябрь 2019, 04:16:39 »
Ok  when I get time I will upload them to Mega

Im guessing its still going to be a while before Scans will be made since the Game is not even out yet.

Looks like the Release Date is around November 8th

СКАНЫ для PnP ищу/отдаю, ищу PnP | Requests for SCANS, PnP / Re: Maximum Apocalypse REQUEST SCAN OR PNP
« : 03 Октябрь 2019, 21:12:47 »
I have the total Package with the base game Expansions and All KS Stuff if anyone wants it I bought it from Rock Manor Games directly.

Does someone still have the files for this?

ok I moved the Chinatown label up a bit let me know what you think.

Yeah I used one of the Marvel Custom ones off BGG to base the Image Resolution on so not sure how that will Print out but I made Paint.net Templates So I can edit them pretty easy to other sizes if Needed.

I myself usually make most PNP's I use into TTS Mods so I can tweak those to what I need.


Forgot to add the Chinatown Text to the Mats added now

Well that sucks Guess when I have time I will just try and find a Decent Image and make a custom one not to hard to do.


Okay here is the first custom Player Mats I made I may need to do some Tweaking on it but let me know what you think.


Do you happen to have a Scan of the Game Mat?

Its not a big deal I'm slow on getting stuff done too, I still got allot of work to do on the Buffy cards so I can send you the files later to make the PNP for that one.

Its allot of work trying to edit cards it takes time, just let us know when you do get them done.

You still working on Cleaning the cards and Mat?

Yeah I will once I finish adding the English Text going to try and work on it this Weekend.

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