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Сообщения - neotec

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Four Against Darkness - Monsters Deck 1 -4

Monsters Deck is a collection of 24 tarot-sized cards, each with a monster for Four Against Darkness.
You may use these whenever you would roll on a table to determine which Vermin, Minion, Boss or Weird Monster you encounter. Instead of rolling, draw a card from the appropriate deck, play it and then reshuffle it into the deck. You can combine monsters decks together, expanding the variation of encounters with every new set released.

Link ->  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bQDBCcWNu6uJWVcQX7aleIjP1FRkhPFn?usp=sharing
Поблагодарившие: neotec

one game of Jeux Boiteux again..
scan 600dpi

link bgg : https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/276830/sanctum
link mega :https://mega.nz/file/px1DGbwZ#Fk3sN9-P1Rx8lqUpZo5bwo_r1uCFcpDYfZ0DcwK2cNs
link solo mode : https://mega.nz/file/U8N1iIqZ#36jd2T8Ms8FhBj9XPp9Qfx7A-b1ozAjZFNiwvG6fKz0

maj 8/9/20  : modo solo en +

gg all
thks are priceless
Поблагодарившие: neotec

the archive will no stay long time... i haven't enough memory to stock..
Поблагодарившие: neotec

Here it is. Including the corrected enemy cards.
Поблагодарившие: neotec

Чтобы люди не мучались, перезалил архив к себе: Valeria Kingdoms.7z. Проверьте.
Поблагодарившие: neotec

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