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Сообщения - torinapu

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Hi Serco,
Your and your teammates work is amazing.
I would like to ask, can you make the expansion source scan available for a short time?
Unfortunately, only the base game is available to buy here.
Thank you so much in advance.

Hi! Unfortunately, I don't have normal scans of the add-on game. But we are working on the available material to make it similar to the base game.
Поблагодарившие: torinapu

here you go:

cards (1): Level 1 Cards - Back: markers (2)
cards (2): Starting Player Cards 1-12 in each color - Back: markers (4), (5), (6), (7) and (9)
cards (3): Level 3 and Colony Cards - Back: markers (8) and markers (3)
cards (4): Level 2 Cards - Back: markers (1)
markers (10) First player, same front and back
Поблагодарившие: torinapu

Here: https://yadi.sk/d/ehMqr9LEh6giZw

I hope some can make a nice PnP  :)
Поблагодарившие: torinapu

Im Lockingf for biblios pnp in english
I have a version of the game but it's redesigned and not beautiful
I want to find an original version or a beautifully redesigned version

Поблагодарившие: torinapu

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