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Сообщения - hadouken203

I'll check on those portions of the map the first reply said was missing. My friend pointed out that there is no manual online for the solo games so I will take care of those as well. I will try to get everything I can scanned. I can't guarantee I'll be able to scan all 3 rule books as they are 121 pages total but I will at least try and get the solo ones.

EDIT: I scanned all of the two player map and re-scanned parts 7 / 8 that were mentioned above for one of the solo maps. I think there may still be a player aid or two for the two player game that are missing. I'll check tomorrow.

If you are anxious to start playing check out :

-YouTube tutorial with Butterfield himself for the multiplayer game which the solo games build on the foundation from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJWuTLqBt80

-Butterfield teaching the soviet solo module: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOm6U4Ax3yQ

-The German solo game taught by Butterfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9UGLV6vRlM

I am not sure how to scan these rule books, if anyone has a good suggestion for an ADF scanner or other method that supports a good page of length let me know! All three rule books are over 120+ pages, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to force my way through that without some mechanical assistance.

Sorry the scans aren't the best quality etc etc, I'm learning as I go!

Post Merge: 30 января 2023, 02:38:26

Цитата: Mathias Duke от 23 января 2023, 20:25:55
Yes. And the scans are also incomplete. It seems there is no third map and rules.

Just FYI, the two player rules and a decent scan of the two player map are on BGG, I'm hoping all 3 scans of the maps can be used to help assist with putting my scans together. Either way, two player mode is now in the Mega although it wouldn't surprise me if I made a silly mistake and missed some.
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: hadouken203
Hello friends, hope you are safe and well. I scanned EA:K at 600dpi for a friend and thought I'd share it here. I learned a lot as these are my first scans.

If anything is missing or you would like for me to re-scan something let me know, I don't want to scan the whole thing again but it's not a problem to scan a few things here and there.


Also, sorry about the card order. I didn't notice when I opened the plastic seal that they were out of order. xoxoxoxoxo

Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: hadouken203