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Сообщения - ibiliss

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I scanned the files and categorized them all properly, I hope someone can make a nice PnP for all of us, I simply can't find the time to do it.  :-\

Here you can download the scanned docs: https://yadi.sk/d/qe7VuWV_VpYc2Q  ;)
Поблагодарившие: tikitavy, pla, BradBrad, SergiuF, Aliiii616, BP, chiquitadidi

Space Explorers / Покорители космоса (2017)
BGG, тесера

Got it from TTS, added more white space (bleed area) to the cards, properly aligned them, made tokens and mats according to the real size.

Just print and enjoy :)


This is a very nice PnP, thanks a lot for the share!
Can you share the images individually though? It seems there's so much extra space available on the papers :)
Поблагодарившие: BradBrad

Here is a reupload:

Funemployed! Eng PnP

Thanks a lot!
Поблагодарившие: BradBrad

Here: https://yadi.sk/d/ehMqr9LEh6giZw

I hope some can make a nice PnP  :)
Поблагодарившие: tikitavy, i112358, wait, sufir, BradBrad, jasbourre, elbourrinos, torinapu, BP

Can we have this in English pls?
Поблагодарившие: Hellboy0815

In need of a re upload
Поблагодарившие: christianbonsin

I will take a look at this, the game looks interesting for me and I will try to build one for myself, when I do, I will share here too  ;)
Поблагодарившие: sgazer, zicko



I got the SCANS here so I made a little bit clean up and made the PnP!

You can download ALL the cards, mats and the board here: https://yadi.sk/d/qhGKEVcDY0EjDg

A little something back to the community  8)


PNP (180 MB)

Игра на БГГ.

карточная игра, мореплавание
аукцион, компоненты игры в руке
2-4 игрока
небольшое количество легко запоминаемого текста
средняя сложность
30 минут

Ловля рыбы в северных морях.

The PnP PDF was unnecessarily big and very badly aligned, here I fixed it for myself and sharing with you, perfect for duplex A4 printing: http://www.mediafire.com/file/z3msler8ztse31r/Fleet+%282012%29+PDFs.rar

I had lots of goods from this forum and I thought it's time to give something back :)
Поблагодарившие: tikitavy, weballin, wil_low, Yury_K, greenbirth, sgazer, franzguggel, BP

Страницы: 1 [2]