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Arboretum (2015)  Age 8+ 30 Min 2–4 Players
BGG, tesera

I found scans of the 8s and just photoshopped them and made my own. They're not high rez, but here's the PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/87q9zuwbtnmw8s8/arboretum%20for%20print.pdf?dl=0
and the Word Doc and my source files if you want to edit them yourself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lp8jq4nhm4tmp3z/Arboretum.zip?dl=0

Also: PnP pack from tikitavy
Поблагодарившие: tikitavy, greenbirth, thundergan, ramzesus, izmax

I know it's easy to make (Ten colours numbered 1-8) but the art is very pretty. Anybody have a scan of this game?

EDIT: Welp, I found scans of the 8s and just photoshopped them and made my own. They're not high rez, but here's the PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/87q9zuwbtnmw8s8/arboretum%20for%20print.pdf?dl=0

and the Word Doc and my source files if you want to edit them yourself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lp8jq4nhm4tmp3z/Arboretum.zip?dl=0
Поблагодарившие: BradBrad, guilherbot, zicko, Shark68, Rob, nosso

Страницы: [1]