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Сообщения - woocarz

Цитата: daishinaga от 19 августа 2020, 00:19:19
Here is a PNP for Deep Space D-6

Deep Space D-6

This PNP contains the Base Game and Endless Expansion, along with the extra cards from the "Official PNP" that were not used in the retail version. The Ouroboros should be the updated version. Rules can easily be found online. This file also contains a bunch of fan made ships and the base game ships. Also the Infirmary Tile for the ships do not include it on the Ship sheet..

I did start working on some of the other fan made expansions, but it might be a while, cause I have other things I want to work on for a while.


At least  ;)
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: maxdem
Цитата: elbourrinos от 27 июня 2020, 18:23:11the archive will no stay long time ... i haven't enough memory to stock ..

Great archive, many thanks to you and chester4ka
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: elbourrinos
Hello all,

I saw that there are russian translations of this series of PDFs but does anyone have a link to the english versions ?
(the author is blocking the print on the PDF and the shipping cost is too expansive for me to order the printed books)

Thank you in advance
Пользователи, которые поблагодарили этот пост: epiko2000