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Сообщения - EchPieL

Could someone please tell the sizes of each tile types?
If anyone would be planning to make a PNP version (be it Russian or any other), I would highly recommend using better resources, because all these files are quite low on quality. They work alright for TTS, but hardly sufficient for PNP.

(On a sidenote: The game has been officially released in Russia as well, so I suppose it make the demand kind of invalid here... Nevertheless, a PNP version would be great!)
Цитата: juancsuarez от 19 августа 2020, 16:01:00
Here is the full download of the TTS content. Be aware that the quality is subpar.

Thank you very much.
Well, you are quite right about the quality... :(
Thank you very much!

I'm looking for the PNP files of The One Hundred Torii.

Цитата: teoxx93 от 30 октября 2020, 12:48:38
Theese are the japanese cards, if someone can translate them in english thank you :)

Thanks, but these are Korean, not Japanese. :(
Following! I'd prefer the original Japanese edition.
I just recently learnt about this gorgeous and interesting game, Scrolls of a Northern City, and I would like to request its PNP files.

Thanks in advance!
Цитата: Atsukawa Toshiro от 10 июля 2020, 12:08:42
I need scans, an original game for redesign, because on BGG they are not.
I can provide that if you wish so. ;)
Amazing... This game deserves a re-skin, really.

I truly hope that one day its quasi-prequel, The Sorcerer's Cave, will have one, too!
Цитата: Skemur от 18 мая 2020, 11:01:25
может быть сейчас появилось у кого нибудь?
No idea...