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Сообщения - EchPieL

In case someone is interested, the official PNP files are now available on DriveThruRPG for $12.99!
Цитата: elbourrinos от 01 марта 2020, 11:40:58
pnp here
good game
Thanks a bunch, mate!

I hear there were some errors in the 1st PNP version.
Is this already the updated one?
The official PNP is only $5 on PNP Arcade right now:


Anyone got it?
A question: How do you guys handle the tokens? Is there a printable template for them? (Or are you using the app instead?)
Цитата: wil_low от 16 октября 2019, 05:45:00
The cards are black/white though...
There's nothing wrong with that, at all.
On the contrary, not only are they ink-friendly, but easier to customize, too! ;)
It's just perfect, actually! Thanks again.
Цитата: wil_low от 15 октября 2019, 07:47:50
There is a free PnP on their website: https://expeditiongame.com/cards
Okay, this is just embarrassing...  :-[ I feel so awkward, really!
Sorry, I didn't know that, and thanks a lot for your help!
Hello, ladies & gentlemen!

I'm looking for the components of Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game (2016) and its expansion, Expedition: The Horror (2017).

Hi all!

I'd like to request PNP files of Adventure Games: The Dungeon (2019).

Thanks in advance!
I'm looking for the components of SILENT HILL: The Card Board Game.
As far as I know, it is a fan game made by Alexey Stepanov (Алексей Степанов).

This is all I could find about the project:
Привет! Could someone please upload the original scans of the rulebook for the Heroes expansion in English?
Okay, I'm either missing something or I might be the first to ask for Arkham Horror (Third Edition) scans.
Anyway, could someone please upload the components?
Hey all!

I'd like to request scans or any other PnP sources for Lone Wolf and Cub Game (1989).
Цитата: uthanatia от 17 ноября 2018, 22:40:34Hello. Game is old and that time our country had https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Curtain
It is very poor chance that someone bought it and could scan it.
Yes, I'm also from the "not so lucky" side of that curtain, discovering the old yet interesting games.
I would accept those scans from anywhere in the world, even from the Sorcerer's Cave itself! :)
Thanks for the reply. Cheers!
Цитата: zloib от 16 ноября 2018, 18:07:27
Thanks, I'm aware of the TTS port, but unfortunately it's low-resolution and incomplete. Also, it doesn't come with any rules to refer to.
I'd like a proper scan which I could use to make a PnP of it. I'm almost sure I saw one here some time ago, but I just can't find it...