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Сообщения - Bender

I've no online storage accounts, so if you need it, just PM me and I will provide you again the pnp file.
I reviewed the scanned pictures and arranged in a pnp file easy to be printed! I've not tested it yet, so in case of errors let me know.


Hello, sorry to jump in the topic, is there anybody able to share the English version of the cards? As tabletop asset or scan from the physical cards... It's the same... In case I can create a pnp version to share!
That's great!!!

and can anybody also provide the cards for the missions / investigations?
Is there any chance to have the pnp in english?
Does anyone have the Tabletopia Assets?
Looking for this game.
TTS file or pnp available?

I'm also looking for English version.
Could anybody help here!
Looking for "Unstable Unicorns".


If you have a scan of the game or TTS files please share.

Thank you so much!!!
Than you so much for the support!!!

The cards seem to be too few in the files you linked. Could it be possible that you missed something? I'm not finding anywhere in the Web the precise content of the deck, so it's quite difficult to me to built up a PnP file. Is there anybody out there with a physical copy of the game that can confirm that all the cards are covered by the TTS file links... And even better provide the list of the cards (with corresponding number of copies)?

Thank youuu!!!