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Сообщения - asern

English version of the cards?
does anyone still have the PnP or even the scans?
There are actually 2 sets of the deck of 17 cards and some extras.

60 cards
   2 player decks (17 cards each)
   9 feat cards
   5 cooperative cards (eruption; hurricane; famine)
   14 competitive cards
   1 reference card
also looking for this.
Thank you for the final version, can you please indicate which pages should be printed back-to-back? for example 1&3, 2&4 ect
Can someone please share the correct/updated link to the English version of Heave Ho!
Have anyone managed to find the latest version? I believe it has double sided map cards with a solo map on the back, it plays 1-5 players, includes 13 ability cards and some other smaller extras.
the final folder and zip file called "Готово" is a totally different game. can you share the final of The Grimm Forest although it'll be in Russian? I need
to see what I need in the end.
Can I please get the original/pnp English files?
does anyone have the PnP of the original English version?
Please upload the TTS of Dragon's Hoard?