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Сообщения - Bender

Great job! would it be possible also to have the reference sheet in english?
Anybody with TTS that  could download the picture files?

Thank you!!!
I'm looking for Volfyrion.


Can anybody exctract the TTS files?

Great, it seems right what I was looking for. I start with the work (a lot... As I see...). I will post the final result as soon as I will have finished it.

Thank you again!
Is there a way to do it with TTS? I tried but it doesn't work, and honestly I don't even know how to do it. Could anybody of you download the material? Then I prepare and share the pnp...!
Looking for the expansion Stellar Allies of Star Realms.
Can anyone of you scan or extract it from the digital game.

Thank you!
Hello guys, I'm looking for Enchanters Overlords.


Thank you very much!