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Сообщения - EchPieL

Цитата: Stealer от 05 декабря 2016, 12:33:58
How you made the monster figures?
I can't see the paper minis...

You don't need those. Actually, you can play perfectly using the tokens only, just like in Arkham Horror.
Otherwise, with a 3D printer, I suppose...
Here is an interesting quote from BGG:

ЦитироватьIf you are the DIY type, you can print all the tiles from Suppressed Memories and Recurring Nightmares on a color printer. The tile images are located in the Mansions app and you just need a Unity Assets Extractor program to get to them.
I did this myself for Suppressed Memories and was able to play through the Cult on Sentinel Hill scenario just fine using home-printed tiles and the included Conversion Kit monster tokens. You can also proxy the investigators if you like.

So, the tiles (including those of the 2 expansions!) could be extracted from the app itself.
The Conversion Kit contains everything else that is actually required to play. In fact, Investigator and Monster figures are not necessary, or can be repaced.
I am looking for the folowing 2 games:

Ghosts n' Goblins (1989)

Super Ghouls and Ghosts (1991)

Both are based on the Japanese Makaimura video game series.
Thousand thanks for this!
I would like to request Baba Yaga (2010) by Chicken Hut Games:

There are 2 other games by the same title:

I'm looking for the one of the 1st link.

In case someone has this game back from 2002...
When Darkness Comes

Thanks in advance!
Цитата: ZguZimZguZa от 17 сентября 2016, 18:06:05
unfortunately i don't have the rules :(
But its played similar as the solo version.

Best to watch the review

I'm okay with the solo rules. I played a lot with the solitaire version.
I just thought the co-op rules might be different. The designer at least states that its significantly different. Maybe it's only because of commercial purposes...
But well, I'm not afraid of house-ruling anyway.
Thanks again!
Цитата: ZguZimZguZa от 12 сентября 2016, 13:54:07
Here you go.

Not the best quality, but it will do the job  ;)
Its made from all the bits and pieces i have found on the internet.

Thanks a lot! Quality is just fine.
Do you happen to have the rules of the co-op version as well?
Looking for Zombie in my Pocket co-op version.
According to BGG, there are 2 versions of Zombie in my Pocket: a single player game and a co-op game for 1~8 players.
I don't know the exact differences in the components and the rules, but I'm looking for ther co-op game.
Again, I'm not looking for the single player version:
Hi guys!

According to BGG, there are 2 versions of Zombie in my Pocket: a single player game and a co-op game for 1~8 players.
Now, I don't know the exact differences of the components and the rules, but I'm looking for ther co-op game.
Could someone please upload it?
Requesting Shadow of the Elder Gods

A free PnP version originally entitled as Shadows of Arkham (or Shadows over Arkham) was available back in 2014 while the game was still on KickStarter.

I would be happy with any version!
Requesting Secrets of the Lost Tomb:

Tried the free PnP, took a liking to delve deeper into those tombs...
Lord of the Rings: The Search

A 2 player with an ugly artwork.
Also has co-op rules on BGG.
Цитата: necrobyte от 19 июля 2016, 14:22:30
Цитата: sorgur от 19 июля 2016, 01:21:48So, anyone has the files of this new one, re-titled as Mythos Tales?
There were no pnp release, even for backers. Let's hope someone would share his scans, wait for october.
Thought those so-called "improved" files were released as a demo for the re-titled edition.
But you're right, scheduled to October.
So, anyone has the files of this new one, re-titled as Mythos Tales?
Lost in R'lyeh

Came out just about a month ago, but if someone has it...