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Сообщения - krabauschelbehr

Sadly, I don't get anything from your reply..
I don't know if this is the right place for this.

The nice little game Province is currently on Kickstarter and they are looking for other language translations. I'm not involved personally...but won't it be nice to have rules in Russian?

How about an older one: RoboRally...? I'd love to build a small magnetic version of it..
Exactly. That's what this is about. The early version is free. The fully illustrated one is available at a PLEDGE LEVEL of $8.
...about shamanism...with 3d effects and 3d glasses.

But yes, it's a matter of taste.
I don't know if this one has already been posted.

The designer is okay with sharing the files.

This gem will have its 2nd print run, soon.

Hi! I'm new here and completely without any language skills in Russian.

I'm urgently seeking scans for Castle Panic, as I want to build a small magnetic version, try it and buy it if I really like it.
Generally, I wouldn't consider myself a game thief and my morale allows me to sleep well at night.

I do have some pnps to contribute here, though.
