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Сообщения - achtungPanzer

Цитата: mOonKEYfromUA от 16 августа 2024, 17:37:22Great job! I like the illustrations in the redesign that's on the site, but I like the original more. Should we expect the first three expansions?
I haven't played it that much yet, if I like the game I may add the expansions! Thank you for your comment!
English version of the Race for the Galaxy
Only includes main game for now.
Have fun!
Don't hesitate to give feedbacks :)  :)

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/363622/the-castles-of-burgundy-special-edition

Download PnP: https://disk.yandex.com/d/77_LofDwki_ulw
Back of the tiles: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wzmlA0ibTXDVGKts4UaRb6CorgTbOqiG

Includes the base game and some expansions.
Player boards and the back of the tiles were not made due to lack of good scans.
My first PnP so please give me feedbacks.
Have a nice day and have fun!