Oh ok, thanks.
Do you know who's the author of the translated cards in cards/Overlord/, then? So i'll try asking to him.
Do you know who's the author of the translated cards in cards/Overlord/, then? So i'll try asking to him.
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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: Piligrim от 26 марта 2013, 07:12:11This is great. I'll wait, holding my breath!
Of course, no problem to do it, but I will need a little time!
Цитата: Piligrim от 26 марта 2013, 07:12:11What's exactly what you did not like as it is now?
Besides, I finished the new design of the Earth forest and hope soon to find a solution (which satisfies me) for the Mystical half. Just one good idea and I will quickly reach the final. Unfortunately, I still looking for her...
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