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Сообщения - asefmiqdad

Thank you very much. You're amazing man.
Thanks, amazing effort.

Can someone please upload the scans for Seas of Glory Merchants and Marauders Expansion? Please.

It has been out of print for years, and I can't find it.

Help please.


У кого-нибудь есть Pagan: Fate of Roanoke, пожалуйста?
Цитата: CactuarP от 24 марта 2022, 14:42:31
Well the source materials are all included in the second link, if you really need it - no one is stopping you from making it yourself.

Just seen it, thanks man.
Amazing work. Can you please make the white lion, it's very important for the upcoming silver city.

Thanks again.
Can someone upload again please? Links are dead  :-X