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Сообщения - bb_costa

Цитата: ChupVulf от 30 июня 2022, 16:16:27
Materials and instructions are in the telegram.

ChupVulf I can't find them. I searched in english and russian. Can you help me?
Does someone have english scans from Red Dragon Inn 1?
Thank you.
I'll try to make a PNP for me, although they are pretty basic, but I hope someone does a decent PNP with these scans.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Does anyone have the game scans?
Can someone reupload scans?

Rococo: Deluxe Edition

Does anyone have the game scans?
Does someone have the scans for Kingdomino?
The search is off and I can't find them.
I just have the portuguese version.

How do you make the dice?
The sides are always changing..
Цитата: valiante от 27 мая 2017, 16:30:29
Yes, all of them needt the app!!!

I really hope someone can provide the scans for this game.
Valiante, this new demo is played with the Tutorial in the app, right?