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Сообщения - krabauschelbehr

Hello folks,

apparently, the files have been taken down...would anyone be kind and provide them for me?
Does nobody own this wonderful game?
I really love its mechanism...but the artwork isn't my cup of tea. At least not for $70...
Nice stuff, thanks!

I'd need it in English or German, though..
Thanks a lot  :D
I can't read a single word.
Thought there were scans here...
Hi! Could you please re-upload your files? Thanks!
Sorry for bothering you again...but do I need a Yandex account in order to download these? It still doesn't work for me...and I've successfully downloaded Yandex stuff before.
I can't open the folders...and nothing happens if I click on "download archive"..
Thank you so much!

"There are all materials except main gameboard and tokens. Gameboard, tokens and quantity of item cards will be later."

So when is later?  :)