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Просмотр сообщенийЦитата: Alan87 от 29 марта 2017, 11:52:55Nice! I didn't know the website. Thank you so much!Цитата: alfalfasecas от 28 марта 2017, 21:33:07
Hello! Any possibility to share the english scans?? I would be interested in translate it into other language
All images here:
Цитата: SethPDA от 25 января 2017, 20:46:47I'm interested on them!
If anyone is interested, I have found ALL of the cards without watermark, in an avarage resolution.
If you guys need them, I can upload them here. All cards are English.
Цитата: Yaaroo от 23 декабря 2016, 11:17:04Nice!! Quite a lot of work, but the result is extraordinary. Thanks for the info! It has been very useful for meЦитата: alfalfasecas от 23 декабря 2016, 07:55:43Ok. That's more clear now.
I was talking about the "manufacturing" process of the card. Did you print the PDF in a heavy paper? The cards were print in two different papers and glued together later?
The same question for the "manufacturing" process of the tokens. Which material did you use to build them?
First of all I use this: (or this, or this)
as a template to arrange cards and create full pages.
That is in case you want to re-done something or just translate.
After I had ready to print pdf I printed cards back on a foto paper (one sided, glossy around 200g) and then fronts on self adhesive foto paper (glossy 115g).
Now if you take a look at provided template (karty_setup_poker.png) there a two borders there. One is gray around whole page, and other is white just around crop marks. Whole template is designed to cut off gray area on all pages. That way you will have cards perfectly aligned to the center (all in a same fashion) no matter how bad work your printer might did.
Then you stick adhesive front to non-adhesive back. Since both side are the same you will have both sides perfectly aligned. In addition card's backs have no details on a sides so if you do some sloppy job with merging both sides cards will still looks good after you cut them.
Then you have to cut pages into separate cards and use corner rounder to remove crop marks.
You can see some more here and here.
As for the tokens I've ordered laser cut tokens from 3mm plywood. Than I painted them with wood stain (I dipped whole batches in a stain, I didn't paint with brush of something), polished with sand paper (1000+), applied layer of spray lacquer, quick polished again and apply second layer of lacquer. Then same process with other side.
then I applied stickers and spray 3rd layer of lacquer.
You can see few images of that process here.
Цитата: Yaaroo от 22 декабря 2016, 23:20:58I was talking about the "manufacturing" process of the card. Did you print the PDF in a heavy paper? The cards were print in two different papers and glued together later?Цитата: alfalfasecas от 22 декабря 2016, 15:17:32
Oh men! What a nice work! Congratulations!!
How did you do the cards?
I'm not sure what you are asking about. how? I create card template, then spent a week searching for matching background images, merge all together and add text on the end
You must be more specific
Цитата: Ashara от 21 октября 2015, 20:52:51Thank you!!Цитата: alfalfasecas от 21 октября 2015, 16:28:32
Do you have the .PSD files that you used to translate this game? I would like to translate it into my language
I dont have the .psd files =/ But I uploaded the cards without text to help you out!
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