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Сообщения - Geralt

I think I will have ZunTzu module very soon :).
Ok I played twice on ZunTzu module (cool game). But it is 0.9 version of module. I still want to change it a little (mainly I want to add scenarios).
But I will give links for raw scans:
I will do it. But I will finish cutting this cards from scans etc and I will upload it here - maybe with the source too.

I need to do this also with counters and units (i did it for cards one moment ago ;) )...
Yes I have it. For now I know that I dont have this round resource markers and back of reference card:). It looks like I have all other cards. There are in english.

Ps. Some ork cards are a little cuted outside scans, but not much. I need to 'repair' it in zuntzu module.
I have some materials for it. I just try to make zuntzu module for it
No one has alert cards :(? Only this thing is missing...
I can not download:
http://rusfolder.com/41769776    (English alert cards).

Please help - I would like to make ZunTzu module based on this scans.

Thank you in advance:).
