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Сообщения - xaxas

can somebody share the cards? thank you
Anybody has the English versions of all that you recently posted? :p
[ENG] PnP / Re: Now or Never (2021) [ENG] [PNP]
17 декабря 2021, 12:32:39
Will you provide the storybook as well?
thank you so much oxygen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any chance for english version of volume two?
Waxiw thank you for the English file.Do you have the rest of the unmatched English as well?
can you post the original scans please?
do i have to download each photo seperate?
Tomba is it possible to upload the original english scans?
Do you have the original english files? :p
[ENG] PnP / Re: Dune Imperium (eng) - Pnp request
19 июля 2021, 14:44:42
i want them also if u please
up :p
Unfortunately i dont know how to do it.i would appreciate it if someone can put a link to download it directly the whole content
Hello, does  someone have the english scans of the base game and expansions?? thank you
Is it possible anybody for the original english scans of streets of arkham please?
link is dead . help!!!
i know that is a russian site but you have many supporters worldwide.can we have all this great projects in english version as well? :p
can we have a link with the cards or the whole project in english?