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Сообщения - cocob35

Цитата: корвин от 24 марта 2015, 17:46:57Hello
Try to look at in first post but small PSD, PDF
where it is written
В последнем листе ошибка, вместо Эммы Фрост нужно напечатать человека паука, исправленые страницы можно забрать отсюда PSD или PDF (Mistake in last page, load this file)

thanks sorry for this the forgotten card of the base set are here :

like корвин said in this post,

thanks a lot,


I'm sorry but I can't find it, neither in the big PSD file or in the big pdf file (in the first post)

do I miss something ?



Цитата: корвин от 23 марта 2015, 18:24:36
Цитата: cocob35 от 23 марта 2015, 11:34:21

I notice that the spiderman card : great responsibility
is not included in the base set.

Is there somebody who can post this card (the english one would be great) ?

and thanks for everyone involved in this translation project.

if not mistaken
it is fixed in the sheets

I notice that the spiderman card : great responsibility
is not included in the base set.

Is there somebody who can post this card (the english one would be great) ?

and thanks for everyone involved in this translation project.


I would like to translate this game. Could you post the source files ?

kindly regards,
thanks for the link, but I'm looking for the entire game + the extension, and it seems that asefmiqdad, have these files.

kindly regards,


could you send me the link where I can download the files ?

kindly regards,