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Сообщения - Ashara

Really nice, thank you very much!

I was looking through the files and find two cards with the wrong artwork... The first is the Восстание, on page 9 of the first pdf, which are with the Иммиграция artwork. And the two Организованная религия cards, on page 7 of the second pdf, which are with artwork from a card from another era...

Not sure if I've been clear enough to explain this but I hope you could understand.

Thanks again for the pnp!
I'm looking for scans of these games, made in only one topic because they are from the same creator and really look alike to each other...

Greenland - Tecepa: http://tesera.ru/game/greenland/
Boardgamegeek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/156501/greenland

Neanderthal - Boardgamegeek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/171662/neanderthal

Hi there, I've made this game using these files, thanks for posting it!
But, when looking for images on BGG I found this photo of the treasure tokens:

In this photo there seems to be a different number of treasures of each type... In the files here there are 18 tokens of each 5 types of treasure, using the photo one could sum up 26 tokens of value 1, 22 of value 2, 18 of value 3, 14 of value 4 and only 10 of value "?" (which makes sense since these one is like a joker, and much more valuable in the game).
Can someone here check this out with the retail game? Or find some source with these numbers? (I looked around but found nothing...)

Really good looking tokens and boards!! Nice job Zozich, as always!

Maybe I'll print yours to replace the ones I had =D
Цитата: alfalfasecas от 21 октября 2015, 16:28:32
Do you have the .PSD files that you used to translate this game? I would like to translate it into my language :)


I dont have the .psd files =/  But I uploaded the cards without text to help you out!
Not really sure where it came from... It was on my Mega account, but I import almost anything that crosses my sight =P
Цитата: ekymoze от 17 октября 2015, 21:54:56

Could you share the scans for the french version of this game ? Thank you in advance

Just updated the files in French on the same link above. But I remembered it wrong, they are not scans but a ready to print pdf...

I had access to the scans for these game, but they were in French... I've cleaned the cards and put on the english text (as well as portuguese text since I'm brazilian). It was the first time that I work with the softwares for cleaning and mounting up the cards, so I dont know if it ended as good as possible. But its good enough for me...

In the link there are all the cards separeted with a multiplier showing how many copies should be done; the tokens and boards were transformed from round to poligonal style.
Feel free to do any changes or ask for them, I will do what I can.
